West Greenville Health Council
Diabetes Prevention Program
What to Expect
A 12 month program working with a trained lifestyle coach to learn healthy eating habits, fun ways to add physical activity to your daily routine or lifestyle, stress management, and ways to stay motivated
A supportive environment for sharing stories and ideas with others who are going through the same thing
Great incentives that will help you along the way
The cost of the program is $25, but there may be an opportunity for scholarships
For more information or to see if you are eligible to enroll,
please contact Robin Tant, MPA, RD, LDN at 252-902-2388
WalkWise NC
Walk With the Doc
Round 2 is a success!!! We kicked off at Grifton Elementary School on Jan 29th with 17 participants, 3rd Street on Jan 30th with 17 participants, and at The Gold Post Café on Feb 3rd with NC CIVIL with 10 participants.
The next round is projected to start the second week of April.